The Maya World is a cultural and geographic zone within Mesoamerica comprising five Mexican states and four Central American nations. In Mexico, the five states of Chiapas, Tabasco, Campeche, Quintana Roo and Yucatan, contain some of the most important archaeological remains of the ancient Maya civilisation. The Maya flourished between 1200 BC and continued to thrive in the area until the arrival of the Spanish conquistadors in the XVI century. 

The Maya World is also one of the most biodiverse parts of the planet and boasts important biosphere reserves, which are part of UNESCO's Man and the Biosphere Program. The blend of culture and nature is ever present throughout the Maya World. 

You may find Palenque, Bonampak and Yaxchilan in or adjacent to the Montes Azules Biosphere Reserve, in Chiapas. The iconic site of Tikal, in Guatemala's Maya Biosphere Reserve, makes part -- along with Yaxha, Uaxactun and El Mirador-- are important nature reserves and the base upon which a strong protected area system and its ecotourism and adventure tourism industry rely upon. To the north the Grand site of Calakmul lays at the heart of the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve. Altogether, they make up the Maya Jungle (or Selva Maya), a 3 million hectare preserve for the world... An important trinational conservation effort that faces challenges but offers some of the most amazing destinatiions for you to discover... Read more


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